Could Your Face Show More Than Heredity and Emotion?
Your Face Never Lies
“Beauty is only skin deep”
“The eyes are the window to the soul”
“My mouth is full of decayed teeth and my soul of decayed ambitions”
“A large nose is the mark of a witty, courteous, affable, generous and liberal man”
Know Thy Self. Use Chinese facial diagnosis.
Can sickness be foreseen before the symptoms appear?
My 45-year old patient Nancy called me in a panic last fall when her face began to sag….in a big way. She said that it seemed like overnight she was noticing more brown spots, wrinkles, and under-eye swelling. Nancy told me her face was headed “down hill fast” and she wasn’t feeling very energetic or good about herself. She was afraid to “go under the knife” and was looking for alternatives to toxic chemical treatments.
Can you relate? I can. Aging is a natural human process and is fueled by the effects of gravity, stress, pollution and lifestyle on the small muscles of our face each day. Coupled with signs of internal organ distress from poor habits we can look pretty exhausted around age 50 and beyond.
What Is Facial Diagnosis?
I invited Nancy to come in for Physiognomy, better known as Chinese facial diagnosis, the 3,000 year old practice of using the face to diagnose internal health. Each face represents a history of development. Recognize subtle changes and you can avoid health problems before they become serious. I suggested facial diagnosis with a series of Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation treatments.
What Is Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation?
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation works with the dermal layers of the face and neck, combining gentle micro-current that sculpts and structures with mini-needles to soften wrinkles and lift sagging skin. Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a non-surgical, non-invasive, and virtually painless alternative to more invasive chemical and surgical anti-aging treatments. It works, and it’s most less costly.
These two techniques used together were the key to reversing Nancy’s downward spiral.
Nancy face showed signs of tired internal organs with a tendency to retain fluid. She chose a 12-week Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation treatment protocol and began to implement a few simple food and lifestyle changes like getting 7 hours of sleep each night and limiting wine to weekends only. Within 3 months Nancy was radiant and renewed, with an added bonus of having lost 6 lbs.
Take a Look in the Mirror
What Does Your Face Say About Your Health? Take a look at your own face to learn about your internal body. There is much more to learn but here are a few generalized hints. Take your time and really learn to discriminate the following:
Facial Shape
Shows birth constitution and the general tendencies we inherit.
- wider horizontal shape – yin – slower, bigger, psychological
- long vertical shape – yang – active, assertive, physical, tight
Related to Intestine and Digestion health
- horizontal lines show expansion from too much sugar
- vertical lines show contraction from too much animal food and stress
Related to Kidney health
- bags – soft shows too much liquid, hard shows too much fat
- mucus – rich foods – yellow from cheese/eggs, white from milk/fats
- under lower lid – circulation, white shows anemia, pink is healthy
- dark under eyes – blood stagnation in the kidneys, possible stones
- round shape – yin, soft, sensitive, gentle, more feminine qualities
- long shape – yang, active, strong, more masculine qualities
Illustrates Heart health
- cleft indicates a heart murmur
- swelling – soft shows heart swelling – decrease liquid intake, hard shows sinus prob – decrease dairy, heart attack risk
Nostrils & Cheeks
Related to lung health
- Redness can indicate heat or circulation issues
- Pallor can indicate weakness
Between Nose & Mouth
Shows the health of the sexual organs
- a horizontal line shows weakness and menstrual problems
Relates to Digestion
- upper lip shows stomach condition and stomach acid
- lower lip shows intestines; swelling shows constipation
Skin Color
Match with position on face to diagnose condition
- red – heart overworked, expanded vessels, hardening
- brown – liver and gall bladder excess
- yellow – liver, gall bladder and pancreas problems
- green – can indicate cancer: sides of face – lung cancer; between thumb & index finger – intestinal cancer
- blue & purple veins – expanded organs, especially heart
- black – kidney issues
- grey – swollen and hard liver
- pallor – lung issues
- transparency – tuberculosis, bacterial skin disease, leprosy
Now That You Know……What Can You Do?
Now that you’ve gained some insight through Chinese facial diagnosis choose one symptom that stands out to you and see if you can dig deeper to find ways to improve your health.
Give me a call at 206-745-9504 to set up a time to talk.
I’d be glad to spend a few minutes talking with you about what you’ve found.
Come in for treatment.
February is a great time to schedule an Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation 12-Treatment Series at 15% off (save $225). Series includes:
- facial assessment
- facial rejuvenation including body acupuncture
- diet and lifestyle review
- supportive guidance to promote growth and change
- a gift of NYR Organics Frankincense Anti-Aging Skincare Kit
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