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Welcome to The Daily Reset Home Yoga Library!
Congratulations on making a commitment to your lifelong health.
If you practice regularly these classes will become the essential tools that help you live with less pain, more energy, and a deeper sense of inner calm.
TO ACCESS CLASS VIDEOS FROM THE LIBRARY PAGE DIRECTLY: There is no correct order in which to use this class library. Whichever class you’re drawn to each day is the best class for you. To watch a class directly from the library page just click on the class name. I will host the library page until December 31, 2024. You will need to download each class by that date in order to continue using the library.
DOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS: Your library includes 50 one-hour class videos. That’s a lot of megabytes to store on your computer. I suggest you purchase either an 256gb external hard drive or buy some storage in the Cloud if you don’t already have it (iCloud, Dropbox, Apple, etc.). Create a folder for your Daily Reset Chair Yoga Home Library in your external storage, click the DOWNLOAD link under each class link and save each video into that folder. Once the videos are downloaded you can access them from your own folder. Download videos by December 31, 2024 to assure unlimited access over time.
These videos are for your personal use only. You may not reproduce, sell, distribute or share these videos. You agree that you are responsible for your own health and well-being and I am not responsible for any discomfort, injury or harm that you may experience while participating in these classes.
Watch the introduction video below and then dive in and explore all the classes.
Thank you for being part of this yoga community. Even though we’re not together we’re connected through these practices.
Please keep in touch by email and let me know how you’re doing. My email address is
Be well, dear friends.
Sat Nam,
Daily Reset Chair Yoga Home Library
• Creativity & the Nervous System
• Powerful Yoga & Gentle Healing
• SA-TA-NA-MA Stretch & Purification

Meet Your Teacher, Leslie Raznick
I’ve been a holistic health practitioner for the past 40 years, offering massage, acupuncture, coaching and yoga instruction to over 30,000 clients. I’ve discovered that the essential tools for vibrant living are right in our own hands. Regardless of age, shape, diagnosis or circumstances we can live with less pain, more energy and a deeper sense of inner peace. These tools are what you'll learn in The Daily Reset Chair Yoga Home Library classes. Join us and get ready for a life changing experience.